It’s easy to find the right protection!

The first step towards becoming a Subscriber is to simply complete our Program Selection Questionnaire. It is only a few question long and you will not have to provide any personally identifying information in order to complete it.

We offer four distinct protection programs because we understand that not every driver shares the same driving history. The questionnaire will match your specific driving history to the program that is right for you. Each program features our Misdemeanor Protection Level and can be upgraded to our Felony Protection Level as well.

Clean Record Program – $9.99/month

Prior Offense Program – $14.99/month

Multiple Offense Program – $19.99/month

Felony Offense Program – $24.99/month

It is important to answer each question truthfully and accurately as any false or incorrect answers will jeopardize your eligibility to receive our protections in the future.

When you have finished, our system will then tailor your driving history and protection goals with a custom Protection Package built just for you.

When completed and prior to proceeding to Checkout, please review our Felony Protection Level and Family Protection Programs. You can add either at Checkout.

Protect Your Rights, Freedom & Finances!

Are you ready to get the protection you need?
What state do you live in?
Do you current have a valid, unrestricted, non-commercial license?
Have you ever been arrested for DUI/DWI?
How many times have you been arrested for DUI/DWI in the last 10 years?
How many times have you been arrested for DUI/DWI in your life?
Were you driving on a suspended or restricted license at the time of any prior DUI/DWI arrest?
Were there any injuries to anyone else or any kind of property damage involved with any prior arrest?
How many arrests involved injury or property damage?
Were any of your prior arrests for either a Extreme (over 2x limit) or Super Extreme (over 3x limit)?
How many?
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Congratulations on deciding to become a subscriber!

The first step towards becoming a Subscriber is to simply complete our Program Selection Questionnaire. It is only a few question long and you will not have to provide any personally identifying information in order to complete it.

We offer four distinct protection programs because we understand that not every driver shares the same driving history. The questionnaire will match your specific driving history to the program that is right for you. Each program features our Misdemeanor Protection Level and can be upgraded to our Felony Protection Level as well.

Clean Record Program – $9.99/month

Prior Offense Program – $14.99/month

Multiple Offense Program – $19.99/month

Felony Offense Program – $24.99/month

It is important to answer each question truthfully and accurately as any false or incorrect answers will jeopardize your eligibility to receive our protections in the future.

When you have finished, our system will then tailor your driving history and protection goals with a custom Protection Package built just for you.

When completed and prior to proceeding to Checkout, please review our Felony Protection Level and Family Protection Programs. You can add either at Checkout.

Protect You Rights, Freedom & Finances!

Are you ready to get the protection you need?
What state do you live in?
Do you current have a valid, unrestricted, non-commercial license?
Have you ever been arrested for DUI/DWI?
How many times have you been arrested for DUI/DWI in the last 10 years?
How many times have you been arrested for DUI/DWI in your life?
Were you driving on a suspended or restricted license at the time of any prior DUI/DWI arrest?
Were there any injuries to anyone else or any kind of property damage involved with any prior arrest?
How many arrests involved injury or property damage?
Were any of your prior arrests for either a Extreme (over 2x limit) or Super Extreme (over 3x limit)?
How many?
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We Protect Your Rights, Freedom And Finances!

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