At we understand that drinking and driving is not something that is restricted to only a certain “bad” segment the population as some would have us believe. The fact is that arrests for DUI/DWI occur across all social, racial and economic boundaries. Accordingly, it cannot be true that all the people who are arrested every year are simply the “bad” people among us.
We understand that there is a simple biochemical reason why even the most conscientious and law abiding of drivers will eventually make the very common mistake of operating a vehicle after having consumed alcohol or marijuana and risk the high possibility arrest. As it happens, this biological reason is the same reason that drinking and driving occurs in the first place and will continue to occur in the future and why you and the ones you love need the safeguards of
It Can Happen to Anyone!
In every study that has ever been conducted on the subject of alcohol’s physical effects on a person, the same two important and inescapable conclusions have been reached:
– Alcohol adversely affects a person’s natural ability to make a rational and reasonable decision when faced with a given set of circumstances.
– This adverse effect, this impairment, is experienced from the very moment that alcohol is introduced into the body.
Put simply, each and every person’s decision-making process, or judgment, as it is more commonly referred, is impaired from the very first drink. This is why the term “intoxicated” and “impaired” are used interchangeably and why even “good” people can come to the wrong choice when it comes to drinking and driving. The truth is, anyone can fall victim to alcohol’s natural effects and that is why we are here to protect you.
We Protect Your Rights, Freedom And Finances! was created to protect the rights, freedom and finances of all persons even those whose judgment has been impaired by the legal drugs of alcohol and marijuana and to insure that every driver’s 6th Amendment rights and equivalent state’s rights are always protected to the full extent of the law.